As a self-confessed sunaholic who often yearns for warmer climates. There is a part of me who wants to always be basking in the warmth of the sunshine and feeling warmer temperatures on my skin!
But as I sit here in Autumn in the UK feeling the sun on my face, listening to the wind as it rustles through the leaves of the trees that are slowly changing colour and falling to the ground. I remember again that I love this time of year and seeing and feeling the changes and that we get to experience seasons here.
And that also on some level, the seasonal change helps signal to me the call to go deep within, self-reflect, slow down my pace to flow to the environment around me and that it's ok to slow down, which actually also benefits my nervous system too, as it isn't normal to be 'on the go' all the time.
I often feel fascinated and inspired by the cyclical process of things and the natural wisdom that comes with it; nature shows this around us as it moves from bud to bloom back to seed, night and day, seasons, birth and death.
Yet in modern society might not always allow ourselves to really acknowledge and struggle with feelings of change; not always wanting to acknowledge when things break down, change or end.
"The cyclical process of nature and life as it is, and the wisdom that can come from when we lean into the experience."
Trying to stay in the 'Summer' of things, social pressure on only showing happy photos or acting as if things are ok when they are not. Rather than allowing the natural progression of 'Winter' as the leaves fall away and temperatures lower requiring a change to circumstances and adapting, adding layers of cosyness to warm our bodies, minds and hearts.
Changes or endings in a relationship, job, place, or situation initially can be hard depending on the circumstances of course. We may even find ourselves not wanting to let go of all the things that are good, but gradually feeling over time knowing deep down that things cannot stay the same and something needs to change, until of course that feeling can't be ignored.
When you know deep down that things can no longer stay the same and that you need to 'let go' in order to move forward.

Whether it’s the ending of a relationship, situation, job, or place that is bringing up some mixed emotions and sadness. It’s ok to take a step back for yourself and allow the feelings
A few simple reminders to help you through the process:
1.Create space - Through creating more emotional space we can take time to reflect and feel our feelings through self-enquiry and quiet time. It might also help to use an activity such as writing, dance, singing or speaking with someone who you trust, but most of all enjoy this time and space and allow yourself to be still and feel whatever comes up.
2. Extra self-care - increase your self-care by doing things you love and with people who you feel supported by and who love you, even if it’s binge-watching a favourite Netflix show, taking longer baths, resting more, going to social events that are fun and help take your mind off things with people you love.
3. Take more time in nature - Spend more time in nature and allow the healing nature of time. Ideally without checking your phone; really immersing yourself in your surroundings, looking, feeling, and listening to everything around you. This will deepen your connection with your inner spirit and also the quiet whispers of the unseen world around you who also loves and supports you and wants you to do well.
As with all endings, even though can be a difficult process, one light at the end of the tunnel can hail a new beginning or at least, a new chapter. An unravelling, unpeeling back of another layer of yourself. And the ability to meet these emotional challenges with growth, purpose, seeing purpose, and maybe even turning grief or pain into passion and creativity - an inspiration or idea, creative endeavour or new project.
As you process what comes up, you can also work with a therapist to help you heal any further energies still lingering and affecting you day to day. In my practice, I offer Craniosacral therapy and energy healing tools to assist in the processing of trauma and healing the emotions held in the body.
"Know that it is ok to take as long as you need through the process and be gentle with yourself."
Wherever you are at, be with yourself and feel into what will help you most and know that it is ok to take as long as you need through this process and to ask for help or work with someone else to help you and that no matter how you choose to move forward you will get through this no matter what. ♥️
Claire Walker - Holistic Therapist & Coach. Supporting clients to heal and feel more empowered on their journey to better health and wellbeing, through a blend of bodywork, energy healing & coaching tools.
Book a discovery call or arrange a session in London or online.