The new moon, a celestial phenomenon symbolizing beginnings and fresh starts, offers a potent opportunity for manifestation.
New moon manifesting is a practice that harnesses the energy of this lunar phase to set intentions, manifest goals, and invite positive changes into our lives.
Here's a guide on what new moon manifesting is and how to make the most of this cosmic opportunity.

Understanding New Moon Manifesting
The new moon occurs when the moon is in alignment with the sun, making it invisible to the naked eye. This lunar phase is associated with renewal and new beginnings.
New moon manifesting involves tapping into this rejuvenating energy to clarify your intentions and align them with the moon's cycle.
1. Set the Scene - Begin by creating a serene and comfortable space. Dim the lights, light candles, or use essential oils to set a calming ambiance.
2. Reflect - Take a moment to reflect, meditate or journal on the past lunar cycle. Acknowledge what no longer serves you and release any negativity or obstacles that may hinder your manifestations.
3. Intentions - Write down your intentions and goals for the upcoming lunar cycle. Be specific and positive in your affirmations. Visualize the outcomes you desire. I tend to write these down on little notes then keep them in a small box and placed on my altar.
5. Use Affirmations - Craft powerful affirmations that resonate with your intentions. Repeat them daily throughout the lunar cycle to reinforce positive energy. A step not to be overlooked as it can really help us to align our mental energy with what it is we would like to achieve.
6. Visualize Your Goals - Close your eyes and vividly imagine yourself achieving your goals. Visualization enhances the manifestation process by focusing your mind on positive outcomes but also feeling the energy of this in your body, really getting a sense as to what it feels like as if our manifestations have already happened. Again, powerful energy techniques to align our vibration and be an energetic match for our manifestations.
7. Gratitude Practice - Express gratitude for what you have and for the manifestations that are already in progress. Gratitude attracts positive energy and reinforces the belief that your intentions are achievable.
8. Stay Aligned - Throughout the lunar cycle, stay aligned with your intentions. Take actionable steps toward your goals and remain open to opportunities that may arise.
The last three steps can be repeated, ideally during your regular meditative or daily practice as part of connecting with the energy of what you would like to achieve and stay aligned.
So there it is, through working with the cycle of the Moon we can seek to align our energies and supercharge our manifesting abilities to embark on a journey of positive transformation.
As always, the key is to approach this practice with openness, positivity, and a belief in the magic of new beginnings.
Claire Walker - Holistic Therapist & Coach. Supporting clients to heal and feel more empowered on their journey to better health and wellbeing, through a blend of bodywork, energy healing & coaching tools.
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