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Free Card


Free readings for professional practice


Tarot and Oracle cards are a beautiful way to receive guidance and information to help around the energy of the day, where you are currently, a life situation, relationship, work, career, a situation or issue, or where you are currently energetically and can help provide inspiration and support in next steps to move forward. 


I am currently building up professional experience to offer standalone card readings to clients. As part of my training, I am offering free readings via email or over the phone/zoom. Please see the full details below and a link to book!


I use the Tarot and sometimes an Oracle card to give an overall end message for the reading.



Choose between a short email reading - perfect for quick guidance or a 30 minute call or Zoom if you have a couple of questions to ask about a specific topic/situation.





  • a short reading

  • sent to your email

  • perfect for quick guidance


30 minute
reading over Phone/Zoom

  • a couple of readings

  • over the phone or via Zoom

  • perfect for a couple of questions


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